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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
4961unsūti* 1gotN., N.Aufstand, Aufruhrunmildness, untranquility, ungentle situation, confusion
4962unsweibands 4gotV., Adj.unaufhörlichunceasing (Adj.), ceaseless, uncessant
4963unswēran* 2gotV.verunehren, beschimpfendishonour (V.), treat with dishonour
4964unswērei* 1gotF.Unehredishonour (N.), infamy, disrepute (N.)
4965unswēriþa* 1gotF.Unehredishonouredness, dishonour (N.), disgrace (N.)
4966unswērs 3gotAdj.nicht geachtet, verachtetunhonoured, dishonoured, ignoble, undignified, despised
4967unswikunþs* 1gotAdj.unbekanntunknown, not well-recognized
4968untals* 3gotAdj.unfügsam, unbotmäßig, ungehorsam, ungebildet, törichtuneducated, untrained, undisciplined, ineducable, ignorant
4969untē 389=386gotKonj.bis, solange als, denn, weil, dauntil the end of the period in which, while (Konj.), up until, until the time th>>>
4970untilamalsks* 1gotAdj.voreilig, unbesonnenunfittingly precipitate, unsuitably foolhardy, inappropriately brash, reckless
4971untriggws 2gotAdj.untreu, ungerechtuntrustworthy, unreliable, unjust
4973unþaþlíuhan* 2gotV.entfliehen, einem entrinnenescape (V.), get away
4974unþiuda* 1gotF.Unvolk, Nichtvolknon-people, non-nation
4975unþiuþ* 7gotN.das Bösenon-good, evil (N.), badness
4976unþiuþjan* 1gotV.fluchencurse (V.), imprecate evil upon, confer a malediction upon
4977unþwahans* 2gotV., Adj.ungewaschenunwashed
4978unufbrikands* 1gotV., Adj.unanstößigunspurning, unscorning, unrebuffing, not giving offence
4979unūhteigō 1gotAdv.zur Unzeitunseasonably, at an inopportune time, out of season, on an untimely occasion
4980*unūhteigs?gotAdj.unzeitiguntimely (Adj.)
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