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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
5461winja* 1gotF.Weide (F.) (2)pasture, grazing meadow
5462winna* 1gotF.Leiden, Leidenschaftpassion, libido, sexual aching
5463winnan 15gotV.leiden, Schmerz leidensuffer, undergo suffering
5464winne 1, uuinnegotF.Weide (F.) (2), w-Runepasture, grazing meadow, name of w-rune
5465winnō* 3gotF.Leidenpassion, carnal drive, sensual craving, suffering (N.)
5467wintrus 5gotM.Winter, Jahrwinter (N.), wintertime, year
5469*winþeis?gotAdj.Wind-, windigof the wind, wind-, blowing (N.)
5471winþiskaúrō* 1gotF.Worfschaufelwinnowing-shovel, winnowing-fork, winnowing-impeller, winnowing fan
5472*winþjan?gotV.streuen?winnow (V.), fan (V.)
5473wipja* 2gotF.Kranzcrown (N.), head-wrath, circlet for the head
5474wis 3gotN.Meeresstilletranquility on the sea, quiescence on the sea, calm on the sea
5475*wīs?gotAdj.weise, klug, erfahren (Adj.), verständigwise (Adj.), educated, informed
5476wisan (1) 1676=1663gotV.sein (V.), da sein (V.), existieren, bleibenbe, exist, be in being, have existence, be present
5477wisan (2) 33?gotV.weilen, bleibencontinue, remain (V.), stay (V.)
5478wisan (3) 4gotV.sich freuen, schwelgen, schmausendine, eat a good meal, feast, make merry
5480Wisigoti*gotM.WestgotenVisigoths, West Goths
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