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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
5041usdaudō 3gotAdv.eifrigvigorously, energetically, earnestly
5042usdauþs* 3gotAdj.eifrigvigorous, energetic, earnest
5043usdreiban 12gotV.austreiben, vertreibendrive out, expel
5044usdriusan* 3gotV.herausfallenfall away, fall out, fall off
5045usdrusts* 1gotF.rauher Wegpotholed area, uneven area, rough road
5046usfaírina 3gotAdj.tadellosoutside of culpability, beyond reproach, blameless
5047usfarþō* 1gotF.Ausfahrt?emergency egress, emergency evacuation, departure
5048*usfarþōn?gotV.ausfahren?take for a drive
5049usfilh* 1gotN.Begräbnisinterment, burial
5050usfilhan 4gotV.begraben (V.)inter (V.), bury
5051usfilma* 2gotAdj.erschrocken, entsetztshaken, struck, amazed, bewildered, frightened, astonished
5052usfilmei 2gotF.Entsetzenamazement, bewilderment, astonishment
5054usfōdeins* 1gotF.Nahrungnourishment, food, nutriment
5055*usfōdjan?gotV.nährennourish, provide with food
5056usfraisan* 1gotV.versuchenexpose to the test, tempt
5057usfratwjan 1gotV.klug machen, ausrüsten?, ausstatten?instruct (V.), provide with knowledge, make wise
5058usfulleins 4=3gotF.Erfüllungfulfillment, completion
5059usfulljan 34=33gotV.erfüllen, vollenden, ersetzen, zusammenfassenfill up, fill completely, fulfill, bring to fulfillment, complete (V.)
5060usfullnan* 19gotV.erfüllt werden vonbe filled up, become filled up, be fulfilled, become fulfilled, be brought to fu>>>
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