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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
# | Lemma | Sprachen | Wortart | Deutsche Bedeutung | Englische Bedeutung |
4861 | unbeistjōþs* 1 | got | V., Adj. | ungesäuert | unleavened, unfermented |
4862 | unbiari* 1 | got | N. | wildes Tier, Bestie | beast, wild beast, brute (N.), wild animal |
4863 | unbilaistiþs* 1 | got | V., Adj. | unaufspürbar, unbegreiflich, unerforscht | untraced, unexplored, untrackable, unexplorable, inscrutable |
4864 | unbimait* 1 | got | N. | Nichtbeschneidung, Vorhaut | uncircumcision, foreskin |
4865 | unbimaitans* 1 | got | V., Adj. | unbeschnitten | uncircumcised |
4866 | unbrūks* 2 | got | Adj. | unbrauchbar | useless, needless, inutile |
4867 | und 67, unþa- | got | Präp., V. | bis, zu, für, um etwas, ent- | unto, all the way to, up to, down to, until, till, throughout, away, off |
4868 | undar 1 | got | Präp. | unter | under, underneath |
4869 | undarists* 1 | got | Adj., Adj. | das Innere, innerste, die untersten | undermost, lowest, nethermost, interior (N.), lower parts |
4870 | undarleija* 1 | got | M. | Allergeringster, Geringster | lowliest person, one lowest down, least (M.) |
4871 | *undarleis? | got | Adj. | niedrig, gering | lowest down, lowliest |
4872 | undarō 2 | got | Präp. | unter | under, beneath |
4873 | undaúrnimats* 1 | got | M. | Frühstück, Mittagsmahl | midday breakfast, noon meal |
4874 | undgreipan 8 | got | V. | ergreifen, requirieren | lay hold on, take (V.), seize |
4875 | undiwanei* 3 | got | F. | Unsterblichkeit | immortality |
4876 | *undiwans? | got | Adj. | unsterblich | immortal |
4877 | undrēdan 1 | got | V. | besorgen, gewähren | adduce, advance (V.), provide for, grant (V.) |
4878 | undrinnan* 2 | got | V. | zufallen, zuteil werden, untereinander disputieren (= miþ sis missō sik undrinna>>> | accrue to, fall to the share of, fall to |
4879 | unfagrs* 1 | got | Adj. | unpassend | unsuitable, unsuited, ungrateful |
4880 | unfaírina* 2 | got | Adj. | tadellos, außer Schuld, ohne Tadel | unimpeachable, blameless, beyond accusation, unassailable, unblamable |