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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
1563*frumaþ?gotAdv.vorwärtsforwards, towards the front
1564*frumaþeis, *frumaþs, *frumadeisgotAdj.erstefirst, prior, prime
1566*frumeigotF.Anfangbeginning (N.), start (N.)
1567frumist 14gotAdv., Adj.zuerstfirstly, at first, before everything, first of all
1568frumisti* 3gotN.Anfangoutset, beginning (N.), start (N.)
1569frumists 19gotAdj., Adj.der ersteforemost, first, of first rank
1570*frumjangotV.fördern, vollbringensupport (V.), accomplish
1571fugls* 6gotM.Vogelbird, fowl
1572fula* 10gotM.Fohlen, Füllen (N.) (1)foal, colt
1574fulgins* 3gotAdj.verborgenhidden, concealed, covert, secret (Adj.)
1575fulhsni* 7gotN.Geheimnissecrecy, concealment
1576*fulkgotN.Kriegsvolk, Schar (F.) (1)war people, crowd (N.)
1577fullafahjan 3gotV.Genüge leisten, dienen, Genüge tun, befriedigen, zufriedenstellensatisfy, serve (V.), please fully, cause to be completely happy, gladden fully
1578fullafraþjan* 1gotV.bei Verstand sein (V.), bei Sinnen sein (V.)be of sound mind, have full command of one’s mental faculties, be intellectual i>>>
1579fullatōjis 2gotAdj.vollkommenperfect (Adj.), perfectly wrought
1580fullaweis* 1gotAdj.vollkommenmature (Adj.), thoroughly instructed, fully educated, fully informed, fully wise
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