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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
462ans* (1) 3gotM.Balkenwooden beam
463*ans (2), (Pl. anseis)gotM.Götter (= anseis)gods (= anseis)
465ansteigs 1gotAdj.gnädig, günstigbeneficent, gracious
466ansts 69=66gotF.Freude, Dank, Gnade, Gunst, Gnadengabebeneficence, graciousness, grace, joy (N.), thanks, gift (N.), favour (N.), bles>>>
467ansula* 2gotM.kleiner Ase, kleiner Gottlittle god
468ansus* 2gotM.Ase, Gottgod
469*ant-gotM.Riese (M.)giant (M.)
470anþar 159gotAdj., Num.andere, zweiteother, second (Adj.), another, the other
471anþarleikei* 2gotF.Verschiedenheitotherness, different structure, different essence, diversity, difference
472anþarleikō 2=1gotAdv.andersessentially differently, otherwise, in substantively different manner
473*anþarleiks?gotAdj.verschieden (Adj.) (2)substantively different, essentially different, constituted otherwise
474*anþs (1)gotSb.Spitze, Endeextremity, end (N.)
475*anþs (2)gotSb.Geist, Seelespirit, soul
476apaústaúlei* 2gotF.Apostolatapostleship, mission, apostolate, office of an apostle
477apaústaúlus 37=36gotM.Apostel, Bote, Abgesandterapostle
479*apls 1gotM.Apfelapple
480aqizi 1gotF.Axtax
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