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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
3781sada 1gotNum.hunderthundred
3782Saddukaieis 2gotM.SaduzäerSadduccees, Zadokites
3784saei 956?=952?gotPron.der, welcherthe one who, the one which, he who, she who, which, the one that
3785*sag-gotM.Mann?, Genosseman? (M.), comrade
3786saggqjan* 2gotV.senkencause to sink, immerse, plunge (V.)
3787saggqs* 1, sagq*gotM.Untergang, Westensinking (N.), going down, sinking of the sun, occident, west (N.), setting (N.)
3788saggws* 4gotM.Gesang, Musik (= saggweis)song, singing (N.), vocal music (= saggweis), reading (N.), lecture
3789*sagjagotM.Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?court messenger, bearer of official tidings
3790*sagjisgotM.Gefolgsmann?, Begleiter?, Büttel?, Ansager?, Gerichtsbote?, Verkünder?court messenger, bearer of official tidings
3794sah 74gotPron.der und kein anderer, eben der, und dieserthis and no other, precisely that one, and who, a person who
3796*sahsgotM.Schwert, Messer (N.)sword, knife
3797*sahtaba?gotAdv.bestreitbardisputably, controvertibly
3798*sahts (1)gotF.Vorwurfrefutation, confutation
3799*sahts (2)gotV., Adj.bestrittendisputed (Adj.)
3800saƕazuh 14gotPron.wer auch immerwho ever, everyone who, anyone who
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