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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
3381miþurraisjan* 2=1gotV.mitaufrichtenraise up together
3382miþurreisan* 2gotV.mitaufstehenrise up together, arise together with
3383miþushramjan* 3gotV.mit jemandem kreuzigencrucify together
3384miþuskeinan* 1gotV.„mitauskeimen“, mithervorkeimensprout up together with, bud forth together with, grow with
3385miþweitwōdjan* 1gotV.mitbezeugentestify together with, attest together with, bear witness together with
3386miþwisan* 1gotV.beistehen, zu Hilfe kommenbe together with, be present together with, remain with
3387*miþwiss?gotAdj.bewusstmorally conscious, having a conscience
3388miþwissei 11gotF.„Mitwissen“, Bewusstsein, Gewissenconscience, moral consciousness, Christian critical knowledge of moral distincti>>>
3389miþwitan* 1gotV.bewusst sein (V.)have on one’s conscience, be conscious of, be aware of
3390mizdō 12gotF.Lohnpay (N.), wage (2), recompense (N.), reward (N.)
3391mōdags 2gotAdj.zornigangry, wroth, illtempered
3392*-mōdei, *mōdeigotF.
3393*mōjangotV.ermüdentire (V.), strive
3394mōta 4gotF.„Maut“, Zoll (M.) (2), Zollhausadmission tax, import tax, customs duties
3395*mōtangotV.Raum finden, Erlaubnis haben, dürfenfind admission, be permitted in, be admitted
3396mōtāreis 19gotM.Zöllneradmission-fee collector, tolltaker, tax collector, publican
3397mōtastaþs* 1gotM.„Mautstätte“, Zollstätte, Zollhaustoll-place, place of admission-tax collection, customs post, tax office
3398*mōtjangotV.begegnenmeet (V.)
3399mōþs* (1) 2gotM.Zorn, Mutbad temper, pique (N.), anger (N.), spirit
3400*mōþs (2)gotAdj.-mütig-mooded
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