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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
3361miþgatiuhan* 1gotV.mitfortziehen, mitführenlead away together, lead along, draw astray together, carry along
3362miþgawisan* 1gotV.zusammenverweilen, zusammen sein (V.)associate with, consort with, live in company with, be together
3363miþinngaleiþan* 1gotV.mithineingehengo in together with, go along into
3364miþinsandjan* 1gotV.mitentsendensend thither along with, dispatch together with
3365miþkaúrjan* 1gotV.mitbelastenburden together with, weigh down together with
3366miþliban* 1gotV.mitlebenlive together with, be alive together with
3367miþlitjan* 1gotV.mitheuchelnfeign together with, fake together with, be hypocritical together with, join in >>>
3368miþmatjan 2gotV.mitesseneat together with
3369miþniman 1gotV.annehmen, gelten lassentake together, accept as a unit, accept in conjunction, include in acceptance, r>>>
3370miþqiman* 1gotV.mitkommencome along together with, go along with
3371miþqiþan* 1gotV.mitsprechen, nachsprechen?concur, be in harmony, be in accord, give concurrence, agree
3372miþrōdjan* 1gotV.mit jemandem redenspeak together with, talk together with, converse with
3373*miþsandjan?gotV.sendensend (V.)
3374miþsatjan* 1gotV.versetzentransplant (V.), relocate, shift the location of, remove (V.)
3375miþskalkinōn* 1gotV.Mitknecht sein (V.), mitdienenserve together with
3376miþsōkjan 1gotV.mitdisputieren, mit jemandem streitendebate with, argue with
3377miþstandan* 1gotV.zusammenstehen mitstand together with
3378miþþan 3gotAdv.inzwischenat that time, as of then, meanwhile
3379miþþanei 22gotPräp., Konj.während (Konj.)while (Konj.), at the time when, during the time that, even, though
3380miþþiudanōn* 2gotV.mitherrschenreign with, rule with
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