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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
3341missō 64=63gotAdv.einander, wechselseitigmutually, reciprocally, alternately, exchangeably, interchangeably, each other, >>>
3342mitadjō* 1gotF.Maßmeasure (N.), measured amount
3343mitan* 4gotV.messenmeasure (V.), gauge, take measure
3344mitaþs* 13gotF., Sb.Maßmeasure (N.), measurement, standard of measurement
3345mitōn* 11gotV.ermessen, bedenken, überlegen (V.)weigh in the mind, mediate, consider, think over, ponder, cogitate, plan (V.), a>>>
3346mitōns 10gotF.Überlegung, Gedankecogitation, meditation, deliberation, premeditation, thought, opinion, evaluativ>>>
3347miþ 255=253gotPräp., V.mit, bei, unterwith, by the side of, alongside, together with, amongst, between, along, concomi>>>
3348miþanakumbjan* 6gotV.sich mit zu Tische legen, lagernrecline together with to eat, lie (V.) (2) down to a meal together
3349miþarbaidjan* 2gotV.mitarbeiten, leiden mitlabour together with, bear hardship with, work along, suffer with
3350miþfaginōn* 2gotV.sich mitfreuenfeel happy together with, rejoice together with
3351miþfrahinþan* 2gotV.mitgefangennehmencapture together with, take captive along with
3352miþgadauþnan* 1gotV.mitsterbendie together with
3353miþgaggan* 3gotV.mitgehengo together with, go along, come with
3354miþgaleikōn* 1gotV.mitnachahmenjointly imitate, jointly conform to, join in adopting a form similar to
3355miþganawistrōn* 1gotV.mitbegrabenbury together with, inter together with
3356miþgaqiujan* 2gotV.mitbelebenmake alive together, give life to together with, raise up with
3358miþgasatjan* 2=1gotV.sich mithinsetzen, sich zusammensetzenseat together with, make sit down together
3359miþgaswiltan 1gotV.mitsterbendie along with, die together with
3360miþgatimrjan* 1gotV.miterbauenbuild together, construct as a constituent part
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