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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
2681ingramjan* 1gotV.erbitternincite to anger, provoke, put in a state of anger, irritate
2683inilō* 4gotF.Entschuldigung, Vorwand, Gelegenheitpretext, pretense, alleged reason, excuse (N.)
2684*inilōngotV.einwendenintroduce as an excuse, allege as a reason for
2685inkilþō 3gotAdj.schwanger, Schwangere (= inkilþō subst.)with child, pregnant
2686inkunja* 1gotM.Stammesgenosse, Landsmanncompatriot, fellow countryman
2687inliuhtjan 3=2gotV.erleuchtenenlighten, illuminate, make known
2688inmaideins 2gotF.Vertauschung, Tauschexchange (N.), interchange (N.), substitution
2689inmaidjan 8gotV.verwandeln, veränderntransmute, transform, transfigure, transubstantiate, exchange (V.), metamorphose
2690inn 9gotAdv., V.hineinin, into, within
2691inna 4gotAdv., V.innen, innerhalbwithin, inside (Adv.)
2692innakunds* 2gotAdj.zum Haus gehörig, Hausgenosse (subst.)from within the household, of the same household
2693innana 2gotAdv.von innen, hinein, innen, innerhalb, inwendig (= innana gardis)from inside, within, into the inside of (= innana gardis)
2694innatbaíran* 2gotV.hineinbringen, hineintragenbear in thither, carry all the way in, bring in
2695innatgaggan 8gotV.„hineingehen“, hineinkommenenter, get into, go into, come into
2696innatgāhts* 1gotF.Eingang, Eintrittentrance, going into, ingress (N.)
2697innattiuhan* 1gotV.hineinziehen, hineinführenbring in to, conduct in thither, usher in, lead in
2698innaþrō 4gotAdv.von innen, inwendigfrom the interior, from within, inwardly
2699inngaggan 18gotV.hineingehen, fortgehen (= inngaggan framis)go in, enter, progress (V.), proceed on
2700inngaleiþan 8gotV.hineingehenenter, go in, pass in
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