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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
2401hazjan 10gotV.loben, preisenpraise (V.)
2402heitō 2gotF.„Hitze“, Fieber„heat“ (N.), fever, pyrexia
2403*heitsgotAdj.heißhot, febrile
2405heiwafrauja* 1gotM.Hausherrmaster of the family, household head
2406*heiwiski?gotN.Familie, Haushaltfamily, household
2407hēlei 2gotInterj.eli, mein Gotteli, my God
2408hēr 20gotAdv.hier, herhere, hither
2409hēþjō* 1gotF.Kammerchamber, cubicle, bedroom
2410hi* 20, hi-* 20gotPron.dieserthis, of here and now, the present, this here
2411hidrē 3gotAdv.hierherhither, to this place, to here
2412*hildi?gotF.Kampffight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.)
2413*hilds?gotSb.Kampffight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.)
2414hilms* 2gotM.Helm (M.) (1)helmet, helm
2415hilpan 4gotV.helfenhelp (V.), go to the aid of, give help to
2416himinakunds* 9gotAdj.von himmlischer Abkunft, himmlischcoming from heaven, celestial, of heavenly provenance, heavenly
2417himins 104gotM.Himmelheaven (N.), sky
2418hindana 1gotAdv.hinter, jenseitsbeyond, on the yon side of, on the far side of, in back of, behind
2419hindar 15gotPräp., V.hinter, jenseits, überbehind, beyond, to the far side of, on the far side of, on the side of, on the p>>>
2420hindarleiþan 2gotV.hinzukommen, vergehengo past, pass on, pass away, come up
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