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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
2363*hasws, *hasusgotAdj.graugrey
2365hatan* 2gotV.hassenhate (V.), feel hostile toward, be antipathetical toward, show antagonism toward
2366hatis 11gotN.Hass, Zorndirected anger, angry hostility, animosity, hate (N.)
2367hatizōn* 1gotV.zürnenbe embittered against, be angry with
2368hatjan* 2gotV.hassenhate (V.), show hostility towards
2369*haþus?gotM.Kampffight (N.), struggle (N.), battle (N.)
2370haubiþ 36gotN.Haupt, Kopfhead (N.)
2372hauhaba 2gotAdv.hochloftily, highly, exaltedly
2373hauhei 1gotF.Höheheight, highness
2374hauheins 7gotF.„Erhöhung“, Preis, Ehreraising on high, elevation, elevating (N.), extolment, exaltation, praise (N.), >>>
2375hauhhaírtei 1gotF.Hochmuthigh-heartedness, haughtiness, arrogance, pride (N.)
2376hauhhaírts 5gotAdj.hochmütighigh-hearted, haughty, arrogant, proud (Adj.)
2377hauhis 1gotAdv., Adj.höherhigher
2378hauhisti* 3gotN.höchste Höhehighest height
2379hauhiþa 7gotF.Höhe, Erhebung, Ehreheight, high (N.), elevatedness, exaltedness, honour (N.)
2380hauhjan 27gotV.hoch machen, erhöhen, preisen, verherrlichenmake high, lift on high, elevate, exalt, extol, praise (V.)
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