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Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 5582
#LemmaSprachenWortartDeutsche BedeutungEnglische Bedeutung
2041gataúra 2gotM.Rissrent (N.), tear (N.)
2042gataúrnan* 5gotV.vergehen, aufhören, zerreißenbe torn down, become torn down, be dismantled, become dismantled, disintegrate (>>>
2043gataúrþs* 3gotF.Zerstörungtearing down, demolition, destruction
2044gateihan* 30gotV.anzeigen, verkünden, verkündigenannounce, proclaim (V.), declare, tell, report (V.)
2045gatēmiba 1gotAdv.geziemendcongruently, appositely
2047gatēwiþsgotV., Adj.geordnetarranged, ordered
2048gatēwjan* 1gotV.verordnen, bestimmenassign (V.), arrange, order (V.), appoint
2049gatilaba 1gotAdv.zur rechten Zeit, passendfittingly, appropriately, suitably
2050gatilōn* 1gotV.erlangen, erzielenattain to, reach (V.), arrive at, achieve junction with
2051gatils 2gotAdj.passend, geschicktfit (Adj.), appropriate (Adj.)
2052gatiman* 1gotV.geziemenbe congruent with, time with, fit in with, match (V.)
2053gatimreins* 2gotF.Erbauungbuilding up, construction, edification
2054gatimrjan* 8gotV.erbauen, bauenbuild, build up, construct (V.)
2055gatimrjō 2gotF.Gebäude, Baubuilding (N.), edifice
2056gatiuhan* 8gotV.wegziehen, wegführen, führen, bringenlead forth, conduct (V.), draw (V.), bring
2057gatráuan* 22=21gotV.vertrauen, anvertrauen, trauentrust (V.), have confidence, be confident of, be convinced of, be persuaded of, >>>
2058gatrudan 1gotV.zertreten (V.), niedertretentrample down, tread underfoot
2059gatulgjan 10gotV.befestigen, bestärkenmake firm, confirm, affirm, reaffirm, establish, fix firmly, set steadfastly, fo>>>
2060gatwō* 1gotF.Gassethoroughfare, street, main road
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