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Erweiterte Suche
Anzahl der Suchtreffer: 9550
# | Lemma | Sprachen | Wortart | Deutsche Bedeutung | Englische Bedeutung |
9281 | wilspel* 6, willspel*, willspell* | as | N. | willkommene Kunde (F.), willkommene Botschaft, freudige Botschaft | welcome message (N.) |
9282 | *wimōn? | as | V. | ||
9283 | wimpal* 1 | as | M. | Schleier, Wimpel (M.) | veil (N.), pennon (N.) |
9284 | *win?, *winn? | as | N. | ||
9285 | wīn* 14 | as | M., N. | Wein | wine (N.) |
9286 | wīnbėri* 2 | as | N. | Weinbeere | grape (N.) |
9287 | wind* (1) 12 | as | M. | Wind | wind (N.) |
9288 | *wind? (2) | as | M. | ||
9289 | *winda? (1) | as | F., F. | Winde | winder (N.) |
9290 | winda* (2) 2 | as | F., F. | Wedel (M.) | wisp (N.) |
9291 | windan* 4 | as | V. | sich wenden, sich bewegen | turn (V.), move (V.) |
9292 | windila* 1 | as | F. | „Windel“, Binde | bandage (N.) |
9293 | winding* 3, winning*, wunding* | as | M. | Beinbinde | leg bandage (N.) |
9294 | windingiskōh*? 1 | as | M. | Wendeschuh | turnable shoe (N.) |
9295 | windingus* 2 | as | M. | Beinbinde | leg bandage (N.) |
9296 | windon* 1 | as | V. | worfeln | winnow (V.) |
9297 | windskūfla* 1 | as | F. | „Windschaufel“, Wurfschaufel | winnowingshovel (N.) |
9298 | wīnfard* 2 | as | F. | Weinfahrt | transport (N.) of wine |
9299 | wīngardo* 5 | as | M. | Weingarten | vineyard (N.) |
9300 | wīngod* 1 | as | M. | Weingott | god (M.) of wine |