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# | Lemma | Sprachen | Wortart | Deutsche Bedeutung | Englische Bedeutung |
8761 | ungo | as | V. | ||
8762 | unhiuri 2 | as | Adj. | unheimlich | uncanny (Adj.) |
8763 | unhiurlīk* 1 | as | Adj. | unheimlich, ungeheuer | uncanny (Adj.) |
8764 | unhold 4 | as | Adj. | „unhold“, böse, feindlich | hostile (Adj.) |
8765 | unholda* 2 | as | F., F. | „Unhold“, Teufel | devil (M.), witch (F.) |
8766 | unholdo* 1 | as | M. | Unhold, Teufel | demon (M.), devil (M.) |
8767 | unhrêni* 1 | as | Adj. | unrein | impure (Adj.) |
8768 | unhuldi* 1 | as | F. | „Unhuld“, Feindschaft | hostility (N.) |
8769 | unk? | as | Pron. | uns beide (Akk.), uns beiden (Dat.) | both of us (Pers.-Pron.) |
8770 | unka* 9 | as | Pron. | unser beider | of both of us (Pers.-Pron.) |
8771 | unkraft* 2 | as | F. | „Unkraft“, Unvermögen, Schwäche | disability (N.) |
8772 | unkraftag* 1 | as | Adj. | „unkräftig“, kraftlos | weak (Adj.) |
8773 | unkust* 2 | as | F. | List | craft (N.) |
8774 | unkwethandi* 1 | as | V., Adj. | „unsprechend“, sprachlos | speechless (Adj.) |
8775 | unlêstid* 1 | as | V., Adj. | „ungeleistet“, unerfüllt | unsatisfied (Adj.) |
8776 | unmet 5 | as | Adj. | maßlos, unmäßig | immense (Adj.) |
8777 | *unnan? | as | V. | gönnen | grant (V.) |
8778 | unôthi 2 | as | Adj. | „unleicht“, schwer | heavy (Adj.) |
8779 | unôtho* 1 | as | Adv. | „unleicht“, schwer | heavily (Adv.) |
8780 | unreht* (1) 9 | as | N. | Unrecht | injustice (N.) |